Fully qualified nurses who have completed their Diploma / Nursing Degree and are fully qualified nursing officers in Mauritius will be allowed to work in Germany after completing the German language course up to the B2 level and doing an adaption course in a German hospital or passing a nurses exam.
As an ageing society, Germany does not only have a high demand for nurses, but also for people looking after the elderly in special homes.
Visa application process for foreign Nurses
If a nurse is interested in working in Germany he/she must first have all documents checked to see if he/she is eligible. Please arrange for an appointment in our office and bring along the following documents:
- Proof of identity (identity card or passport)
- CV/personal data sheet in table format
- Proof of completed nursing studies (degree certificate, diploma, nursing school qualification)
- Proof of all courses with subjects and hours (theoretical and practical training)
- Proof of duration and content of clinical internships
- Certificates showing relevant professional experience
If you are eligible to join the program for international nurses, you will receive an offer letter stating all the cost involved. We will arrange for the translation and certification of your documents to send them to the state office and hospital in Germany.
You will start with the German language course in Mauritius up to B1 level with StudyWays Ltd in Ebène, Mauritius.
The German state office will evaluate the documents of the nurse and will compare his/her qualifications and work experience with the German curriculum. They will decide about their eligibility and will issue a document of acknowledgement of his/her qualifications and work experience. - detailing what needs to be done in Germany in additional qualification/trianing. This document is needed for visa application.
After receiving the document of evaluation from the authorities, our partner hospital will issue a confirmation letter for the nurse and the embassy stating that they guarantee the PAID adaptation course for the nurse after submitting the German B2 certificate.
Visa application and flying to Germany!
In Germany
Learn B2 Level of German with ISL and pass the TELC B2 exam.
The nurse then has 2 options to become fully qualified in Germany:
1. Do an adaptation course in a hospital that typically takes about 6-12 months. During the adaptation course - which is already guaranteed by our partner hospital the nurse will be paid.
2. Do a written and oral nursing exam (usually offered once or twice per year - no preparation course offered).
-> Most of our nurses choose the first way through the adaptation course in hospital as it offers various benefits:
1) Salary is paid during adaptation course.
2) Access to nursing home during adaptation course for affordable rent prices.
3) Guaranteed working position after adaptation course in the same hospital.
4) No final exam at the end of the adaptation course.
5) More exposure to German language and health system in Germany.