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StudyWays Ltd.

Your Gateway to Education...

About us

StudyWays Ltd was established in Mauritius in 2016. All for Studyways members of our specialist team in higher education and overseas studies have many years of experience in the education sector.

Our philosophy is to provide detailed, accurate and transparent information, guide students on available and suitable courses, course contents, entry requirements, application procedures, visa requirements, fees, accommodation as well as post-study employment opportunities. We focus on each student and evaluate the education background, the family’s financial abilities, interests and career targets and then counsel each student individually. Our current students as well as former, future students and parents can always address any question to us.

Germany is our main study destination as the demand for tertiary education in Germany is increasing year by year. Throughout the last years we have helped many Mauritian students to learn the language, commence their studies and get settled in Germany. The option to qualify for free education makes Germany an affordable study destination, also for middle class families. An excellent education system as well as very good employment options make Germany one of the Top 5 international study destinations.

For students who don’t qualify for higher education in Germany or who have other destinations in mind, we of course also offer alternatives.

Our service doesn't end when the student is leaving Mauritius. With arrival at the destination airport, our partner ISL Sprachschule will take over to pick up the students and we are closely working together to monitor the student progress, exams, accommodation as well as university admission and achievements.

Where to find us

We are located in Quatre Bornes on the 7th floor of Immeuble Des Mascareignes which you will find at the corner of St Jean Street and Surcouf Avenue, just opposite Orchard Center.

The office is located only 2 minutes from Quatre Bornes Central metro and bus station and we offer free parking to our clients.


Our office building in Quatre Bornes (view from St Jean Road).